Saturday, November 1, 2008

Blackheads prevention. Do not let blackheads to capture your skin!

Blackheads prevention

There are many things you can do to prevent blackheads that on your face. Most of the cleaning and some require the use of medicines.

* Avoid using creamy, greasy, and thick (emollient) products. This alone will significantly reduce your chances of sprouting blackheads.
* Use a gentle acne and water purifiers.
* DO NOT use bar soap! The ingredients that keep soap in the form of a bar can clog the pores in your skin. You can also cause skin cells to prematurely flake off and clog the pores. If you have dry skin, you need a detergent that has a bit of moisturizer in it, but be careful! The surplus moisturizer can lead to a rise in oil on your skin.
* Exfoliate to remove the dead skin cells. If there is no skin cells clog the pores, the natural oil is able to flow freely through. Skin-peeling away the structure of dead cells inside the pores that cause them to be misshapen and more-easily clogged. By using a skin Exfoliante, the 1% or 2% beta-hydroxy acids (BHA or salicylic acid) in the lining of the pore. If you are unable to use BHAS, you can use products with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), but these acids are only good for surface exfoliation, because they do not penetrate the pore lining.
* Absorb excess oil. If you have oily skin, try using a clay mask that does not include spearmint, peppermint or other irritating ingredients. This will absorb the oil clog May that the poor. If you have dry skin, this is not necessary because pimples on dry skin are caused by oil in the pore, not on the surface of the skin. Also, oil-absorbing papers May to reduce the oil in your pores.
* Wash your face Visit your dermatologist. Retinoids, a form of vitamin A, may help to regulate the pore shape, oil is flowing normally. The most common retinoids are tretinoin and adapalene, found in prescription volume as AVITA, Renova, Retin-A, Tazorac, and Differin.
* Other medications. Hormone-blockers and low-dose birth control pills may lower levels of androgens (male hormone) and Accutane should be discussed with your physician in severe cases of oily skin and breakout.

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