Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Few lesson how to treat acne

Acne Treatment begins with the elimination of factors that can cause acne flare-ups --- dead skin cells, bacteria, on oil and irritants. The removal of oil, bacteria and dead skin cells can be a challenge.

During a lesson on how to treat acne should include information on how to clean the skin and rid it of more than oil, bacteria and dead skin cells, a successful acne treatment does not come to an end. The elimination of these 'causes acne "can not guarantee the ability of the underlying skin tissue to create new skin cells. There are other methods available, including blue light acne treatment or Zeno acne treatment.

It is for the full, proper treatment of acne, one should pursue that both methods rid the skin of factors that induce acne, while simultaneously promoting their skin to rejuvenate itself.

Blue light acne therapy is one such method. The blue light on the bacteria in the skin, but does not damage the skin tissue. Since the bacteria disappear, the underlying skin tissue can create new skin cells, which fill the space that was previously full of bacteria. Acne laser treatment is also very popular.

In learning how to treat acne, one must always keep in mind that the deep skin cells on the body is designed to divide and move upwards, the formation of new skin. Everything AIDS thit process will lead to a successful acne solution.

Good nutrition plays a crucial role in this process. If the person who acne treatment eats a diet rich in antioxidants, then his or her skin is important with vitamins, skin rejuvenation. If the patient does not receive or can not ingest the fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamin A, then they should look to synthetic vitamins.

Skin, to an acne medication does not remain clean and clear, forever. Once a patient has successfully acne treatment, they must take what they have learned and continue to use cleaning and eating habits to prevent further outbreaks of acne.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Causes of acne appearance.

Most people have been given advice on prevention of acne and the treatment of acne, as "a lot of sun," "Do not worry about it - everyone gets it and it is a normal part of growing up."
While those who seek counseling to help, there are many myths about acne. The following list contains examples.

• Eating chocolate causes acne.
• Acne is related to poor nutrition.
• Acne is an infection and may differ from one person to another.
• Acne is an allergic reaction to something.

• All kinds of makeup cause acne.
• Acne is due to the lack of cleanliness.
• Acne is greasy hair.
• Blackheads are dirt trapped in the skin.
• Press pimples, it will spread.
• Lie in the sun or lamp with a Sunday will clear acne.

Try do follow all steps above and you will minimize your acne appearance. :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Scars video. Laser Treatment. Before and After

B5 Vitamins is the best and fastest way. I had so much acne in my face and body but suddenly after a week of eating b5 vitamins it all started to get better and after a month, every single one was gone. :D (but it isnt the cheapest and you have to keep eating it to keep acne away but for me it was very much worth it)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Get rid of blackheads! It not so easy but possible!

Let's face it! Blackhead removal appears to be the hardest part of maintaining healthy skin. There is no easy way to get rid of those annoying blemishes. However, there are some helpful tips for the prevention and removal of blackheads, if necessary.
What is a blackhead?

Scale of his blackheads
Blackheads are technically still open comedo. These bumps are often indented and May look like small plug. The confusion over blackheads and white heads has to do with the fact that blackheads accompany oily skin, where white heads could be oily or dry skin.
What causes blackheads?

A blackhead is excess oil, which clogged a pore. This clog occurs when the built-up oil is unable to flow to the surface of the skin due to deformities or pore affected and dead skin cells block the way. If the pore is opened, the oil is exposed to oxygen which reacts and turns it a dark color, which is in a black head.

* Hormones are the main cause for increased oil production. An increase of male hormones, androgens, the natural production of oil in the skin caused more oil to build in the pores, often times what the appearance of black head.
* The next major culprit in blackhead education is the use of skin-care products or makeup. These products will mix with your body's natural oil and add to the build-up that can block pores.
* Whitehead pimples and blackheads formation seems to be a condition that is predisposed aggravated or increased when used in combination with the above toxins.

Proactiv Is Not An Acne Solution For Everyone THIS IS EVIL!

If you thinking that proactiv is only one stuff that can help you, you is wrong!
Proactiv this is not a solution for everyone. This is very individual treatment, and you should take care about this.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Blackheads prevention. Do not let blackheads to capture your skin!

Blackheads prevention

There are many things you can do to prevent blackheads that on your face. Most of the cleaning and some require the use of medicines.

* Avoid using creamy, greasy, and thick (emollient) products. This alone will significantly reduce your chances of sprouting blackheads.
* Use a gentle acne and water purifiers.
* DO NOT use bar soap! The ingredients that keep soap in the form of a bar can clog the pores in your skin. You can also cause skin cells to prematurely flake off and clog the pores. If you have dry skin, you need a detergent that has a bit of moisturizer in it, but be careful! The surplus moisturizer can lead to a rise in oil on your skin.
* Exfoliate to remove the dead skin cells. If there is no skin cells clog the pores, the natural oil is able to flow freely through. Skin-peeling away the structure of dead cells inside the pores that cause them to be misshapen and more-easily clogged. By using a skin Exfoliante, the 1% or 2% beta-hydroxy acids (BHA or salicylic acid) in the lining of the pore. If you are unable to use BHAS, you can use products with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), but these acids are only good for surface exfoliation, because they do not penetrate the pore lining.
* Absorb excess oil. If you have oily skin, try using a clay mask that does not include spearmint, peppermint or other irritating ingredients. This will absorb the oil clog May that the poor. If you have dry skin, this is not necessary because pimples on dry skin are caused by oil in the pore, not on the surface of the skin. Also, oil-absorbing papers May to reduce the oil in your pores.
* Wash your face Visit your dermatologist. Retinoids, a form of vitamin A, may help to regulate the pore shape, oil is flowing normally. The most common retinoids are tretinoin and adapalene, found in prescription volume as AVITA, Renova, Retin-A, Tazorac, and Differin.
* Other medications. Hormone-blockers and low-dose birth control pills may lower levels of androgens (male hormone) and Accutane should be discussed with your physician in severe cases of oily skin and breakout.